Friday, December 18, 2015

Cinnamon Rolls How-To!

Growing up, one of the first things I learned how to bake were cinnamon rolls. And they're not just any old cinnamon rolls, but these were created by my wonderful mom and they leave you wanting more!

By no means are these healthy. Nope, they're just plain old gluten-filled, sugar-laden, treats that are not friendly to your waistline. That's why I only make them once or twice a year! 


I am almost apprehensive to share this because secretly I have a hope that if this whole health and fitness gig doesn't work out, I'll have these rolls to fall back on and go into business for myself baking and selling these golden nuggets. But I'll take the chance
The recipe has been given out to many people so it's not really a secret. And it seems that not many people come out with good results, especially the first few times they make them. Once you get the hang of the techniques, these become pretty darn easy. Almost too easy. 

So here's my Christmas gift to you - a demo on how to make these pieces of heaven. 

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Exercising at Home

I think it's time I let you in on my exercise plan. It's really nothing fancy or exciting, but it's what works for me. 

I used to have a gym membership and would make it there maybe once a week if I really tried. But it was always a process. Pack up my gym bag and then drag myself to the gym to be there for only a half hour or 45 minutes. Working out among big beefy men wasn't my style, either. Add in freezing temps in the winter and a 10 minute drive, it got to be such a chore. So, I decided to invest in a few pieces of equipment of my own. 

Working out at home comes with its limitations. I'm not able, or really aiming for, big personal records. I don't have a barbell (yet!) for heavy lifts or cool machines to use. But I actually workout because all of the equipment is staring me in the face every day.  

My home gym is conveniently in my basement, just steps away from my napping baby.  

I started out with a few dumbbells, a kettlebell, and a yoga mat 

Then I added a stability ball, resistance bands and my $50 treadmill off Craigslist. (Funny story... this treadmill was used by the previous owner to walk their dog. Great find for me!) 

My newest addition to my home gym are my [knock-off] TRX bands! They cost $30 from Target compared to $300 for the real TRX set - winning! If you have limited space and money I recommend these bad boys. Great for beginners and for the more advanced folk. I wanted them so that I could progress towards being able to do a pull-up, but you can do a bunch of things with these to work your whole body. Easy to get creative. Which, I do have a pull up bar that can go in the doorway, but these have replaced that for now since I can't quite do a pull-up yet... Soon. I hope. 

All of this equipment was pretty cheap to purchase, and I didn't buy it all at once. Start with a few things and build from there. Places like Marshalls or TJ Maxx are great to find cheap pieces of equipment for beginners. Target has the stability bands and other great equipment. 

You may already have a good start to a home gym with things around the house! Some of my favorite things to use are just ordinary items. 

I bet you have a coffee table in your living room... 

You know you like my Friends poster

Triceps dips, modified pushups, single leg squats are just a few exercises you can do with a coffee table.

Or a chair...

Ab lifts, glute bridge and box squats are great with a chair. 

Or a couple pieces of paper... 

You don't need these fancy sliders that seem to be everywhere these days. Just use a couple pieces of cardstock if you're on carpet, or a towel if you're on a hard surface! 

And a staircase.

Box jumps, step-ups or a good cardio sprint up and down the stairs can do the body good. 

So, now that you have an idea of what I use, what do I do with all of this stuff? 

I usually workout 3-4 days a week, depending on what life allows. My workouts are usually around 30 minutes total; sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. On rest days I try to walk on the treadmill or outside. Using what time you have, is really what it comes down to. 

Day One: 
Upper body lift // 3 Rounds, 10-12 reps
Bench Press
Inverted row
Push up
Upright row
Cable face pulls

Day Two:
Lower body lift // 3 Rounds, 10-12 reps
Back squat
Split squat
Straight-legged DB deadlift
DB Hip thrusts

Day Three: 
Upper body lift // 3 Rounds, 10-12 reps
Military Press
Assisted Chin-up
DB Chest press
Bent over row
DB lateral raise
DB Pullover

Day Four: 
Lower body lift // 3 rounds, 10-12 reps
Goblet squat
Single leg hip thrust
Back extension on stability ball
Pallof press
Ab roll out on stability ball 

There you have it. I don't do any jumping around, cardio nonsense or any complicated moves. I lift weights and I walk. Simple as that! 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Finger Foods for Baby

As a stay at home mom it is my responsibility to meal plan and cook for the family (among the million other things I feel like my day gets filled with). Trying to find new things for just my husband and I to eat is a challenge alone, but now I have to find new and healthy things that my one year old will eat. 

So what can we do when we're short on time or energy or money - or all of the above? 

It can be a little too easy to provide those babes with processed snacks like crackers, juice boxes, or those puffy things (I don't know what else to call them. If you're a parent with a little one you know what I'm talking about). 

These little tots need their protein and fat just like we do. Here are some ideas for healthy go-to foods for just that: 

Cut up string cheese
Perfect for an on-the-go option

A little messy, but worth it

Open up a can of black beans, chick peas or whatever you have around. Can't get much easier than that! Good source of iron as well

Shredded Chicken or Tuna
Limit tuna to once or twice a week for young children

Ground beef
Combine it with diced, cooked veggies for a well-rounded meal

Peanut butter on a rice cake
Heck, I eat this for a snack myself! 

Full fat yogurt with peanut butter
I like to mix some sort of fat for an extra brain boost 

Scrambled eggs
Serve it warm or cold 

Sunflower seeds
Little, tiny seeds for some fat and protein. Watch for allergies! 

Cream cheese and deli meat roll-ups
Spread some cream cheese onto a slice of meat, roll it up, then cut into slices

Cottage cheese
Add fruit to it like peaches or some veggies like peas. We eat it plain around here

Bacon(Leslie LOVES bacon!) 
Although Leslie has choked on it a few times, so make sure you cup it up pretty tiny

Cut up meatballs
I'll admit, I buy premade meatballs for emergencies. But all it takes is a zap in the microwave for an easy dinner

Spoonfuls of coconut oil (Leslie thinks it's a treat!)
Nothing is much better than a shot of coconut oil! 

These babies of ours are in their prime for development! Make sure they're getting more than fruits and veggies for strong muscles and smart brains!

More than JERF

What a crazy few weeks it has been!

Hope you all have been enjoying this holiday season. 

It can be a hard time to keep moving forward with our health goals, but a recent Instagram post from proverbs31ministries really brought me back to reality. It had this caption: 

"I need to have January thoughts on December days."  

Have your goals become the thought of 'tomorrow', or 'Monday', or 'after the holidays'. Why not start today? Are your goals worth waiting for? What can you do right now to make your health a priority? 

A few indulgent nights for myself have got me refocusing on what I need to do to reach for my goals today, not in January or on Monday, but right now. for thought... 


All that I'm about when it comes to health and lifestyle change surrounds eating REAL FOOD - i.e. food that is in its most natural state like butter vs. margarine, real fruit vs. Trix made with 'real fruit'. 
Making changes towards eating real food is a huge step towards improved health, especially if you may be someone who has included quite a bit of processed foods in your diet previously. I can almost guarantee that you'll see fat loss and other improved health markers by this change alone -- at least initially...  

However, there are many of us who have made this switch over to real food but are still not where we want to be with fat loss goals. How come? Isn't this enough?? 

Enter in Macros. What do I mean by 'macros'? Macronutrients include only 3 things: Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates. These 3 categories cover all of the foods out there. 

When we turn our focus on how much of each macro we eat we can make adjustments towards specific goals. 

So, how do you navigate what macro range you should be eating? 

Here are some general guidelines: 

Protein: eat protein at every meal - meat sources! This will give you plenty of protein and added good fat to your day. A minimum amount would be around 100 grams per day, although getting more is great, especially for men. We need protein to maintain and gain muscle mass. Muscles are great fat burners, we can't afford to lose those guns! 

Fat: include natural fat sources at each meal as well. Butter over your veggies, eggs and bacon for breakfast, heavy cream in your coffee, avocados on your burger. This is what I live for. Mmmm... Eating enough fat is essential, especially if eating low carb is your goal. When you lower calories from carbs you have to replace those calories with fat.

Carbs: this one is a little bit tricky. For fat loss, restricting to <30 net grams of carbs on most days is a great start. A moderate carb intake is around 100-150 grams, great for maintenance. A carb cycle approach is the next best thing - eating low carb for a few days followed by a higher carb day.
Carbs will have to be tweaked a little bit for each person with what works best for them. Eliminating carbs like refined sugars and grains is a must for fat loss! Just because maple syrup or agave nectar are natural, or 'real', doesn't mean they support a fat loss goal.

Watching your macros doesn't necessarily require tracking your food every day for the rest of your life, but it is helpful in the beginning to get an idea of how your macros break down. 

My suggestion for everyone, especially those of you with fat loss goals, is to track your food for a few days and look at how your macros break down. Is your protein too low? Carbs too high? 

If you would like a little bit more guidance on where to start with macros, feel free to reach out to me! I'd love to help you take your fat loss goals to the next level! 

You can look up more info on carb cycling as well. Here are some great resources on this topic:

And just a couple studies pointing out the effectiveness of a low carb diet:

I have only just scratched the surface of this macro talk, but I want to stress the importance of them when continuing your health goals, whatever they may be. I encourage everyone to get educated on macros, what they mean, and what is the right equation for you. 

This is also a great time to mention a new and exciting protocol called Alt Shift by Jason Seib! He has created a plan from his many years of experience of working with clients with fat loss goals that surrounds this idea of cycling macros. You can purchase the ebook here:

His protocol has given so many people great results so far. It involves cycling carbs, fat and calories to achieve long-lasting fat loss. I've been following his work for a few years now, and am seeing for myself how his recommendations are helping me meet my own fitness goals. It would be very much worth your time and money to read his book. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween! 

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays mostly because of the candy - uh, duh. 

When I was little I dressed up as a bride at least 3 years in a row, then branched out a little as a princess, then as Pippi Longstocking and an M&M. 
But the best costume would have to be the year I dressed up as the dead grandma from Psycho - dressed in my mom's clothes from the 80's with a knife my dad made out of cardboard and black tape. Psycho is still my favorite movie to watch on Halloween, but I honestly don't know what went through my head when I came up with this idea... kind of morbid. Plus, every door I went to had no idea who I was. Halloween fail. Makes for amusing pictures. 

Anyway, Halloween is most definitely all about the candy. As a kid I took this whole free candy thing seriously and made a point to trick or treat long enough to fill up my entire pillow case. My Halloween candy truly lasted me till Easter. No lie. 

Even though the candy was great I always remembered the houses that gave away different things. Stuff like pencils, toothbrushes, and even a house that let us pick out a book! So it got me thinking about what I want to give out to kids, given that sugar is so harmful to our health. 

Here is my trick or treat giveaway bowl for the kids in my neighborhood this year. Everything is from the Dollar Store - glow sticks, skull rings, glow in the dark bugs, and pencils. It all cost about $10, good for at least 50 kids if I were to be stingy, but this will do for the 15 or so kids we get in my neighborhood. 

I may not be the house who gives away the king size candy bars, but I will be the house to do something different that doesn't add to the sugar crash these kids will have later. You're welcome, parents. 

As a mom, I'm not going to keep my kids from trick or treating since I have such fun memories when I was young. But there are some ways to manage the pounds of candy they may bring home. 

Here are some ideas: 

1. Let the candy be their trade - trade a piece of candy for things like computer or TV time. A half hour of time on the iPad will cost them 2 pieces of candy. 

2. Exercise for the sweets - each piece of candy will require an activity. For example, a Milkyway will require them to run up and down the stairs 3 times. 

3. All or nothing - give your kids a choice to either keep their candy or trade it all in for a toy of their choice (within reason). This has the potential for you parents to win the candy war altogether! This will be my first strategy when my girl is big enough. I'd much rather the candy be out of the house than have to try to regulate it. 

I ate myself silly with sugar on Halloween night and have had to retrain my brain and body to not crave those sweet treats. Something I hope to spare my kids from having to do when they're my age. 

Enjoy the holiday! Stick to your goals. Stick to your health. Don't let one day ruin it for the whole week, the whole month, and then the whole holiday season. Been there, my friends. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chicken Salad

My husband and I are trying out a new lifestyle/protocol with our food that I will talk more about very soon. It has required us to cycle our nutrients and today is a low-carb, high-fat day (my favorite kind!). 

I have to admit that I'm missing my fruit and rice and oatmeal and potatoes ... but soon enough it will be back in my life for a little while! 

Anyway, tonight this is what I made for dinner and it was fantastic! 

It is a low-carb chicken salad that I ate a LOT of tonight. This plate is half-eaten.. Once I was halfway through I realized I needed to share it with you all, so I had to stop myself and snap a photo. 

[Low-Carb] Chicken Salad 

Serves 3-4 
Nutrition info: Protein= 32g Fat=21g Carbs= 5g (without the lettuce and tomato) 

4 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded (I put frozen chicken in the crockpot for 3 hours on high, then shred) 
2 hard boiled eggs, mashed
1-2 sticks of celery, diced
1-2 green onions, chopped
1/2 cup mayo
1 Tbsp mustard
Small handful of chopped cashews
Salt and pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients together. 
Yep, that's it! 

Serve over lettuce 
Add diced tomato on top of you like 

SO easy and SO yummy. It's a favorite around here. Bonus points if you make your own mayo! 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

[Paleo] Pumpkin Muffins

So, this blog still exists, right? They don't like expire because you haven't touched it in about 5 months? ...whoops! I guess that's what happens when you have kids, time goes by a little faster. 

Now that the summer is over - enter your appropriate emoji icon here - I have a little more time to tend to this blog thingermajig. 

I personally LOVE fall, so I'm happy it's here! And tonight I made my first pumpkin recipe of the season. Everywhere you look right now there is pumpkin flavored this, pumpkin flavored that - but be cautious! That pumpkin spice frappuccino has almost as much sugar in it as 2 cupcakes!! 

Here's a pumpkin muffin to satisfy the fall flavor you may be desperate for without all the sugar (but it still tastes good, trust me). 

They're called paleo pumpkin muffins because they don't have any refined flour or sugar or dairy (unless you use butter, then technically it wouldn't be paleo..). However, a paleolithic human probably wouldn't bake themselves these silly 'paleo' treats we have made up in order to still eat things like muffins and cookies and brownies. But that's a whole other rant that I'll save you from for today. 

I really made these for my one year old to have around for snacks, but I like them, too. Of course the pumpkin is a great source of vitamin A, but they also have a ton of eggs in them and coconut oil which is so great for her brain development. These aren't the most budget-friendly baked good, but they're packed with nutrition, so it's worth it. 

[Paleo] Pumpkin Muffins
Time: 20 min prep / 30 min bake
Makes 20 muffins

Nutrition Info per muffin: Carbohydrate= 8.2g  Protein= 3.8g  Fat= 8.6g
  • 1 cup coconut flour 
  • 8 eggs, at room temperature
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 3/4 cup pumpkin purée 
  • 4 Tbs. pure maple syrup
  • 2-3 tsp. cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line 20 muffin cups with liners.
  2. Stir together the coconut flour and eggs until a smooth paste forms. Stir in the coconut oil, then the pumpkin pureé and maple syrup. Then mix in the spices, cider vinegar and baking soda.
  3. Divide between prepared muffin pan. Bake for about 25-30 minutes, until golden and the top springs back when lightly pressed.

Hope you enjoy the recipe! Happy fall everyone! 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Chinese Chicken Chopped Salad

When we think of healthy meals, salad usually comes to mind. And, for me, it's usually a typical green salad that has some lettuce, tomato, cucumber and dressing. Pretty darn boring, if I do say so myself. 

However, I truly love a yummy salad, especially if it's an easy dinner for me and my family. 

Which is why I'm excited to share this recipe for Chinese Chicken Chopped Salad! I literally just made this for the first time today, and after a bite I knew you all needed to know about it. 

One of the best things to have around for easy dinners is shredded chicken. You can make easy tacos, soup, salads, and more with some on hand. Easy weekend prep for a week full of healthy meals. 

This recipe is pretty easy on the wallet. Another plus in my book! 
It's also gluten-free (if you choose a gluten-free soy sauce) and dairy- free. 

Chinese Chicken Chopped Salad: 

2-3 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup white (or rice) vinegar
3 Tbs minced ginger
3 Tbs olive oil
1 Tbs sesame oil
2 Tbs hoisin sauce
1 tsp Sriracha (or more to your liking)

2 cups shredded carrots
1 head cabbage, shredded
1/2 cup cashews
3 chopped green onions
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
2 Tbs sesame seeds 


Make the dressing, combining the soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, oils, hoisin and Sriracha sauces. 

Mix the cabbage, carrots, and cilantro. 

I kept everything separate so that it would keep fresh throughout the week. 

Assemble the salad with a handful of the cabbage mixture, chicken, and top it with green onions and cashews, along with more cilantro if you like. I love me some cilantro. 

Pour dressing over your salad - trust me, a little goes a LONG way. 

This is a new favorite of mine, and it's fresh enough for springtime! 


Monday, March 23, 2015

Lessons from Leslie

Today marks my girl's 6th month birthday (do you call it a birthday?). Crazy how time flies. The other day the hubs  and I were trying to remember what we did with our time before we had a baby; a whole lot of nothing, probably. 

Becoming a mommy has changed me in so many ways. The things I'm interested in, what I think about or worry about, what excites me and what bores me.. everything. 

I had no idea how much I could love this baby girl. Couldn't imagine life without her. 

Here are just a few things that Leslie has taught me since she came into this world. 

1. We are all selfish right from the start. 

2. Parenthood: perfection not required. 

3. Life has second chances.

4. The valuable things in life don't have a dollar amount.

5. Sleep is one of those valuable things. 

6. We never stop learning. 

7. Never take for granted your digestive system - or the fact you have teeth, or that you can walk and talk. It takes a while to figure all that out. 

8. A lot can happen in a short amount of time. 

9. Love covers all - the poop you just got covered with, the spit-up you are covered in, the endless crying, the sleepless nights.. 

10. Not having all of the answers is ok.

11. Learning to be assertive and direct for the sake of your child is required (still learning this one).

12. I've become more protective than I thought.

13. Babies change your whole family. 

14. Making lists doesn't mean it will all get done. 

15. Watching TV is a luxury. 

16. Going out to eat is even more of a luxury. 

17. I'm capable of doing so much more than I thought. 

18. I am also much lazier than I thought. 

19. It's amazing what a difference a smile can make. 

20. God is always with you. Through it all. From start to finish. 

Can't wait to see what else I will learn in the next 6 months! 

A little DIY

I know this isn't a blog for DIY ideas, but let's just go with it. 

Since having a little one to fill my time I rarely have time to do what I want. This past week I made it a point to get something done that I've wanted to do long before my girl was born - she came 5 weeks before expected so she kinda threw off my plans.. 

I love art, even if I'm not the greatest at it. My dad is an artist along with my brothers and now my nephews! It is just in our blood, I think. My parent's house is filled with my dad's paintings. It would be taboo to put up a generic piece of art on their wall, it just wouldn't be right. Now having my own place I feel kind of the same way. A picture bought at the store just doesn't have the same meaning as something original. 

Leslie's room is still under construction and it was time I put something else on her wall. With some Pinterest inspiration here is what I created: 

And here is how you can get the same look - for around $15! 

First I bought my supplies: 
Canvas - $7
Paint - $4
Cheap foam brushes - <$1
Painters tape - already had some lying around
Spray paint (I used gold) - also had some lying around from Christmas crafting I did a while back

I found my inner artist (though this isn't anything too complicated) and started puting some paint on the canvas. 

I layered various shades of turquoise and just kept going until I liked it. 

Then I measured out many, many pieces of tape to 5 inches. I put on the tape in a herringbone pattern - I have to confess I didn't do any measuring and you can probably tell.. whoops. 

..but that's what makes it original, right? 

Anyway, then I spray-painted the entire thing with gold glitter spray paint and removed the tape before the paint dried completely.  

Lastly, I filled in random spots with paint. 

And there you have it! This is nothing even remotely close to my dad's amazing landscapes he paints, but it's one-of-a-kind and I hope Leslie doesn't mind it hanging on her wall. 

Sometimes taking a moment to do what you enjoy is a really great way to rid some stress.  

Friday, March 13, 2015

Yogurt Parfait!

I have always loved yogurt. Even as a little kid my mom would buy me yogurt cups of all flavors. I grew up with brands like Yoplait. My favorite was vanilla - how exciting, I know - it was my go-to snack, and still is. However, my yogurt choices have evolved over the years to become a little bit healthier. 

The truth is, all of the flavored yogurts are FULL of sugar! Even the simple vanilla has way more sugar than necessary. Take a peek at the labels the next time you're at the grocery store. Look at the Toral Carbs for any flavored yogurt compared to plain. Quite a difference! 

At the same time, I hear you, plain yogurt is pretty blah and sour tasting. 

So here is my low-sugar, high-protein yogurt parfait recipe. It's perfect for an on-the-go snack or breakfast. 
Put all of the ingredients in a shaker cup for even easier travel. Stick the spoon out of the drinking spout and you're good to go! 

First, fill your cup (or bowl or shaker cup) with however much PLAIN, FULL-FAT (if you can find it!) yogurt. I prefer Greek, it's just a bit thicker and has better texture in my opinion. 

Next, pour 1 scoop of your choice of protein powder. I currently have a white chocolate flavor from Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100%Whey protein powder - it is so delish! Look at the ingredient list and avoid brands that have sugar or sugar substitutes like sucralose. 

Then mix it up

Now add your extras. I use frozen fruit, whatever is the cheapest at the store that day. I like using frozen a) because it's cheaper and b) because if you make this on the go the frozen fruit will keep it cold for a little while longer as the fruit thaws out. Brilliant! 

I also put some chopped nuts in it. I get these little tidbits in the baking aisle at Target. Avoid the granolas, they're pretty much just sugar, and we're trying to limit the sugar here. You won't notice the difference or miss it. I promise. 

Mix again, and enjoy! 

Yum Yum!! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Mommy Life: Sleep & Stress

I've come to realize that becoming a mom has made me stronger than I ever thought possible, in many different ways. 
I have more patience, stronger muscles from carrying my big chunker around, and God has been my mental and spiritual strength like never before. 

With that said, I have also realized how weak I am. I can feel my patience waning at the end of the day. I feel my body hurt and cry for rest like never before. And I've never had to rely so much on God rather than myself. 

Sleep. The thing everyone warns new parents about. "Get your sleep now, before baby comes!" "Sleep when baby sleeps!" they say. How true they all were. 

Sleep and stress are probably more important to our health than diet or exercise. We should spend just as much time managing these things as we do with planning healthy meals and scheduling our workouts. 

My Leslie girl is a terrible sleeper. She doesn't enjoy falling asleep or staying asleep. The hubs and I have read every baby website, blog, tried many different tactics recommended by the 'experts', and have talked with friends with kids. 

I've cut our dairy and eggs or whatever else I think might be the issue
We've tried to swaddle and unswaddle 
Sound machines 
We've let her cry it out - we all ended up crying it out together.. 
Bought a humidifier to see if her stuffy nose was the problem
Tummy Calm and Colic Calm
..all to no avail.. 

We rock, we shush, we swing, I nurse her, and we set her down asleep like she's a bomb about to explode. Then walk around the house like we are on eggshells for the rest of the night. I've never paid more attention to my creeky wooden floors like I do now. 

This is life as we know it. 

I see all of the Facebook posts about how your 8 week old just slept through the night, and frankly, I want to punch all of those people in the face ... seriously. No offense. 

My only real advice here for new moms and dads is to find support. Don't seek answers, just seek friends who hear you out and can give you a hug. Hugs are good. 
Spend time in prayer and in the Word! Let God hold YOU while you give him your frustrations. There's no God like our God. He's with you! 

And let the dishes be dirty while you take a nap. 

Let your hair turn into a birds nest or greese ball while you get your sleep. 

Forget your WOD and just go take a nap.

Put aside your fitness goals for a little while while you take care of your rest and mental health. Be active when you can, but I wouldn't push it, you'll just cause yourself more stress.  

But also, lower your expectations! My husband might be the most supportive man I know, and he told me just this week to expect the worst. 
Expect her not to sleep all night. Expect her to scream for hours. Expect her to be gassy all night and not want to be put down. When she finally doesn't do those things you will be pleasantly surprised. 
I'm still learning how to master those type of expectations... 

Remember that little 'this too shall pass' phrase? Well, it will all pass, but try not to give it a timeline. I now have a 5 month old, going on 6 months. And every month I have said to myself, 'maybe at 3 months she will sleep through the night..' 'Maybe at 4 months..' 'Maybe 5..' just to be disappointed over and over again. 

I'm definitely talking out of frustration here. I'm so exhausted and tired all of the time I could just puke. But with everything, I wouldn't want life without my beautiful girl. It's the dilemma all of us parents face. Our babies are taxing, but we wouldn't change a thing! 

When I see my girl's smile or see her learning new things, it gives me so much joy I could burst! Her energy gives me energy somehow. She's the best thing that has ever happened! 

So from one exhausted mommy to another, you're not alone! You're doing a good job! You will make it through! 

A rare precious moment.. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine gift to you!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! 

For me this has been such a fun day. My baby has decided to grow 2 inches longer and has started babbling almost nonstop, AND she rolled over for the first time! Hopefully next she will sleep through the night, but I'm not getting my hopes up on that one. 

The hubs and I celebrated Valentine's Day with some yummy crepes for breakfast and I thought I should share the yummy-ness with you fine folks. No sugar added and a protein boost to fill you up! Check it out. 


3 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
3 Tbsp butter
3/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt

1 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop your choice flavored protein powder (I had white chocolate at home)
1/2-1 cup real whipped cream
Fresh Fruit of choice


Put all of the crepe ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. 

For the filling, mix the protein powder into the yogurt. Fold in the whip cream (I quickly made mine from heavy cream with my hand mixer on the highest setting until stiff peaks formed). 

For the crepes, heat a nonstick skillet over medium heat. 
Make your crepes by scooping about a fourth cup of batter into the skillet and swirl the batter into a round circle. 
Flip the crepe over after a couple minutes and brown the other side. 

Put it all together! Fill the crepe with a scoop of your yogurt filling and fruit. Add an extra dollop of whip cream on top! Delish! 

Enjoy the ones you love today! 💖