Friday, March 6, 2015

Mommy Life: Sleep & Stress

I've come to realize that becoming a mom has made me stronger than I ever thought possible, in many different ways. 
I have more patience, stronger muscles from carrying my big chunker around, and God has been my mental and spiritual strength like never before. 

With that said, I have also realized how weak I am. I can feel my patience waning at the end of the day. I feel my body hurt and cry for rest like never before. And I've never had to rely so much on God rather than myself. 

Sleep. The thing everyone warns new parents about. "Get your sleep now, before baby comes!" "Sleep when baby sleeps!" they say. How true they all were. 

Sleep and stress are probably more important to our health than diet or exercise. We should spend just as much time managing these things as we do with planning healthy meals and scheduling our workouts. 

My Leslie girl is a terrible sleeper. She doesn't enjoy falling asleep or staying asleep. The hubs and I have read every baby website, blog, tried many different tactics recommended by the 'experts', and have talked with friends with kids. 

I've cut our dairy and eggs or whatever else I think might be the issue
We've tried to swaddle and unswaddle 
Sound machines 
We've let her cry it out - we all ended up crying it out together.. 
Bought a humidifier to see if her stuffy nose was the problem
Tummy Calm and Colic Calm
..all to no avail.. 

We rock, we shush, we swing, I nurse her, and we set her down asleep like she's a bomb about to explode. Then walk around the house like we are on eggshells for the rest of the night. I've never paid more attention to my creeky wooden floors like I do now. 

This is life as we know it. 

I see all of the Facebook posts about how your 8 week old just slept through the night, and frankly, I want to punch all of those people in the face ... seriously. No offense. 

My only real advice here for new moms and dads is to find support. Don't seek answers, just seek friends who hear you out and can give you a hug. Hugs are good. 
Spend time in prayer and in the Word! Let God hold YOU while you give him your frustrations. There's no God like our God. He's with you! 

And let the dishes be dirty while you take a nap. 

Let your hair turn into a birds nest or greese ball while you get your sleep. 

Forget your WOD and just go take a nap.

Put aside your fitness goals for a little while while you take care of your rest and mental health. Be active when you can, but I wouldn't push it, you'll just cause yourself more stress.  

But also, lower your expectations! My husband might be the most supportive man I know, and he told me just this week to expect the worst. 
Expect her not to sleep all night. Expect her to scream for hours. Expect her to be gassy all night and not want to be put down. When she finally doesn't do those things you will be pleasantly surprised. 
I'm still learning how to master those type of expectations... 

Remember that little 'this too shall pass' phrase? Well, it will all pass, but try not to give it a timeline. I now have a 5 month old, going on 6 months. And every month I have said to myself, 'maybe at 3 months she will sleep through the night..' 'Maybe at 4 months..' 'Maybe 5..' just to be disappointed over and over again. 

I'm definitely talking out of frustration here. I'm so exhausted and tired all of the time I could just puke. But with everything, I wouldn't want life without my beautiful girl. It's the dilemma all of us parents face. Our babies are taxing, but we wouldn't change a thing! 

When I see my girl's smile or see her learning new things, it gives me so much joy I could burst! Her energy gives me energy somehow. She's the best thing that has ever happened! 

So from one exhausted mommy to another, you're not alone! You're doing a good job! You will make it through! 

A rare precious moment.. 

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