It's been a while. I love sharing info with whoever reads this thing anymore. I love everything health and fitness. And I love learning and experimenting.
Lately I've been quite focused on my own fitness and on my own family's health. Plus everything that comes with being a stay at home mom and wife has taken up my time these days.
We need to prioritize what's important and what we can handle without going completely crazy. So I'll do my best.
I have to admit, last week was a tough week as a stay at home mom. Nothing was really out of the ordinary. Toddlers were still being toddlers, my house and hair were completely a mess, and life carried on as usual.
But my head and my heart were a little off. I can blame it on hormones or on the fact that I'm home alone with little people who don't speak very good English all day long. Whatever the case, I struggled to wake up to be ready to be a mom. I just didn't feel like doing it.
I wanted to sleep in and make breakfast and drink my coffee without any whining. I even tried to wake up before my girl just to be able to do those things, but she beat me to it!
We all need a moment to ourselves. Honestly, last week I wanted the entire week to myself. To disappear and do whatever I wanted.
Pride, selfishness, and a little jealousy were all in the mix. Because being a mom is hard and sometimes you don't feel like doing it. It can be a lonely gig.
But that's ok!
God gave me a big ol' hug and let me know he's right here with me. He reminded me of the joy I've gotten from my little punkin. We had so many sweet moments this weekend and so many snuggles.
“When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”
Psalm 94:18-19
That big belly has given me more purpose than anything. Life is hard with these little people. It's ok to admit it. But soaking up the sweet moments makes the hard ones more bearable.
So this morning I woke up with a new mind and heart. Ready to enjoy whatever comes with the day.
Something that always puts me in a good mood is a good lifting session!
Here's what I did this morning in my living room while the babies were napping. It took about a half hour altogether. It may look simple, but if you lift a heavier weight and complete all the sets you will work up a sweat!
If you have weights at home, use a weight that you can only lift 8-10 times before failure or losing good form. If you don't have weights, body weight is fine. Or you can get creative and grab a gallon of milk or water or your own chunky baby as some added weight.
If you're feeling uncertain about some of these critical moves like the squat or deadlift, please do some educating and practicing before you attempt heavy weights with these moves.
For some good tips, watch these two videos
Legs and Butt Workout
Take 5-10 minutes to warm up with jump squats, slow body weight squats, or bear crawls to get your body ready.
{Superset - complete 4 rounds}
•8-10 front squats•
•8-10 deadlifts•
(Rest 1 minute between each round)
Rest for 1-2 minutes before moving on
{Superset - complete 4 rounds}
•8-10 lunges per leg•
•8-10 weighted hip thrusts•
(Rest 1 minute between each round)
End with some good stretches for your hamstrings, quads, and booty.
Enjoy your Monday everyone!