Friday, June 10, 2016

Typical 3 Shift Day (Low Fat)

I shared my typical low carb day with you in an effort to show you what eating low carb looks like. 

Eating low carb is great to get started towards fat loss. When we limit the sugar we give our bodies to use as energy, it forces our body to tap into our stored energy - that is, our fat! 

However, our bodies do need carbs. Our muscles need carbs for energy. So it's good to keep our metabolism going with the addition of good carbs and starches to kind of refuel, in a sense. 

Initially, eating low carb will give you pretty quick results. But it may stall out after a while because your body adapts to that change. So it's good to switch things up a bit. And eating low fat can really be quite healthy as well. 

Which is why AltShift has a low carb stretch and a low fat stretch where we add in some starches. 

So here it goes. My 3 shift day. 

Honestly, it's taken me a long time to get used to eating low fat while also trying to limit grains like oats, bread, and keeping my fruit intake down. I still eat oats from time to time, they're shown here, but I know they cause some digestive issues for me so I try not to eat them too often. Same goes for fruit, but the summer is tough with delicious fruit everywhere. 

I do my best. 

I usually start my day with plain Greek yogurt and blueberries with a touch of vanilla and cinnamon. It changes things up from eating eggs all the time. This morning I got a little cinnamon happy.. 

My mid morning snack was a bowl of oats with half of a banana, since the toddlers around here didn't want it. 

Lunch was leftover salsa chicken and rice with beans. (Also why I appreciate going from high fat to low fat is that things like rice and beans are super cheap!) 

Then I had a snack of various veggies and a touch of hummus. 

Dinner was another good dose of chicken and rice. I kind of love rice. Especially jasmine rice. Oh yum! 
Can you guess whose is whose? 

After dinner I had a snack of popcorn and a protein shake. 

That's pretty much it! 

Here's the nutritional breakdown for you:
Calories: 1,627
Fat: 39g
Carbs: 194g
Protein: 131g 

I'm learning to like my low fat days. But of course nothing compares to bacon, avocados, heavy cream and butter. Good thing there's more high fat days than low fat days. 


Stay cool today! Go play in the water with your kiddos! 
We may need to take another trip to the splash pad. 

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