When I get off track with my eating I definitely recognize it. It doesn't go unnoticed at all. I'm not dumb. I know when I feel puffy and a little more tired. I know when my sweets cravings start to rage again and I search high and low for a piece of chocolate. And I know that you know what I'm talking about.
Those things don't go unnoticed, but those indulgences do continue longer than we should let them.
Here's what I mean...
It seems there's this consistent phrase that we have all told ourselves and have all heard others say.
"I'll start on Monday"
..or some version of that, like "next month I'll do this" or "next year I'll get healthier".
But why not today? Right now? What is stopping you from making your health a priority right here, right now?
Is it the junk food hiding in your pantry? -throw it out!
The diet soda in your mini fridge? -get rid of it!
Or maybe the quick McDonald's trip you take every lunch break? -go somewhere else!
... there's always a quick solution for any unhealthy option. Usually that solution is just to throw it out or not eat it.
I know it's easier said than done, but if your health is important to you there's really not a good reason why healthy changes can't start today. Even if it's a small adjustment.
We rely so much on our excuses as real reasons not to take hold of our health.
Why is that?
An answer to that question might be something as simple as: it's easier.
Am I right?
It's easier to eat those donuts in your work's break room because they're staring you in the face.
It's easier to sit on the couch and watch TV instead of going on a walk.
It's easier to eat something that tastes sweeter than eating veggies that maybe aren't as sweet.
And it's definitely easier to grab a quick kid's meal than making dinner at home while your kids fuss at you the entire time because they're hungry (believe me, I know!).
But again, if you care about your health and your family's health, you'll need to put some things in place to help you avoid these easy options.
And to be honest, that is where someone like myself can come in handy [totally not just saying that because I'm a health coach!]. Having tools in your life like accountability, or learning how to monitor your lifestyle or how to schedule healthy habits that work for you is really someone like myself's expertise.
Get a buddy, if not a coach or a trainer. Get someone on your side who will keep you accountable and support your healthy desires. Get someone to push you along your way so that you don't have the excuse of 'tomorrow' or 'later'.
Also, if you're not sure where to start or what healthy really means (because let's face it, there's a lot of good and bad opinions out there), start researching (or shoot me an email)! You can have all of the knowledge about proper nutrition, it just takes some time to learn the truth.
I'll leave you with a challenge:
Today - right now! - plan what you're going to do for your next meal to make it healthier.
Will it be to add in some veggies?
Will it be to choose a healthier place to eat for lunch?
Swap the fries for a salad?
Or even better - swap your chemical coffee creamer for real heavy whipping cream?
Eat eggs for breakfast instead of cereal?
Stop the thought of "tomorrow" that lets you rest in your excuses. Instead, look at some ways that you can get started right now.
..that's all folks.