Monday, February 10, 2014

When cooking at home just isn't an option

Minnesota winters make time seem to move very slowly. I know I am ready for some warmer weather - heck, even 35 degrees sounds like spring to me right about now! We will deserve our summer this year.
But during this season we have more time stuck at home to cook our own meals and make a ton of crock pot dinners that warm our soul.. But the time may be coming for a lot of families when kid's sports start up (heck, maybe your husband's sports start up!), when we can actually get out and about and enjoy some sunshine [whatever that is...] and our schedules get filled up with the summer events that ensue.

There are just seasons of life when cooking at home isn't really an option, no matter how much you may plan and prepare ahead of time. Eating out is a part of life and we need to figure out a way not to totally give up on our nutrition when we rely on those options.

My wonderful husband had worked at a restaurant for about 8 years. As his wife and as the health nut that I claim to be, I wanted the best for him even when he was at work, which was a lot of the time in those days! [So blessed to have him working normal hours, I just cannot say that enough - although we did save a ton of money with him eating at work every day...]

So what's a person to do?

Here's a few tips to survive the restaurant world that may come in handy

  • Look for options that include a main meat dish. Whether it's steak, chicken or fish, filling up on protein is going to be key. Protein and good healthy fat fills us up; it activates our brain to trigger a hormone called ghrelin (which sounds like something you could be for Halloween), making us feel full and satisfied.

  • On the side of that meat, find an option with a ton of veggies and ask for those veggies with butter or olive oil. Most of the time restaurants will use vegetable oil because it's cheap - and cheap oil is a sign that it's a bad oil - but you can always ask for an alternative. Butter and olive oil are great options because they're real, unprocessed oils most of the time.

  • Try to avoid the pastas. I know, I know.. I'm taking away your pastas. But your hips and bum will thank you!! "Every woman knows that pasta and bread are fattening" - favorite quote from Good Calories, Bad Calories. It's true, right? So, do your best to avoid the pasta and the unlimited bread supply a lot of places offer.

  • What about sandwiches? Practical. Easy. Everywhere. Take off one side of the bun, you've just cut out quite a bit of sugar. I often eat my Smashburger burger with a fork, I just ditch the bun. [man, I could go for a burger...]

  • Ask if the restaurant has a gluten-free option or menu. This might have to be another post in the future, but just because something is gluten-free does not mean it's healthy. However, gluten-free can mean less processed grains and sugars, which in turn means less sugar in your bloodstream and less fat that is stored.

  • Look at your portions. When we eat out we want as much bang for our buck as humanly possible. So, to stretch that meal even further, split it in half and eat the rest for lunch the next day. This might be a common tip, but it's practical. So there you go.

  • What are you planning on drinking? Going along with saving some money, water sounds like a great option! Ask for some lemon or lime and you're all set. No sugary soda, no sugar substitutes that act the same as sugar... nope, just natural, God-created water. I love it.

  •  A great place I know asks you if you want a bag of chips or an apple with your meal. Apple, please! And hey, while you're at it, if you know you'll be eating out, pack a ziploc full of fruits and veggies, maybe even some avocado and find a place that will provide the protein!

  • Lastly, if you're on the run and there's a grocery store nearby, stop in and grab a bag of cut up, ready to eat veggies, a package of nitrate-free deli meat and either some hummus or avocado for a healthy fat. Grocery stores have all the fresh, whole foods you could possibly need!

I hope that gets your brain thinking on ways to make eating on the go a healthy option. Like I said before, it's inevitable that we will eat out at a restaurant or two, and we just can't beat ourselves up about it. We can still be prepared.

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